User Login


Session diagram


Login-001, -002, -003 FinTechUI.loadFinTechApplication & enterLoginData

FinTechUI displays the LoginUI to the PSU. PSU enters username and password and initiates the login request. In a productive use case, the login request will be handled by an identity provider.

Login-004, -005 FinTechApi.login

The PSU initiates a session with the FinTech providing his username and password as known to the FinTechApi. Username and password are provided in a LoginRequest object. Upon successful login, the FinTechApi will return a response of type 200_UserProfile. Note that the response object contains both a SessionCookie and a corresponding XSRF-TOKEN

Login-006 FinTechUI.parseAndStoreXsrfToken

The xsrfToken returned by the server must be parsed and stored by the FinTechUI for association with each subsequent request. The FinTechUI must parse and store this xsrfToken, so that it is accessible whenever the application is reloaded.

Login-007 FinTechUI.displayBankSearchScreen

Upon successful login, the FinTechUi displays the bank search screen to the PSU.