Select Bank
General terms defined in the dictionary
The bank selection allows to download the BankProfile of a bank and cache it in the consent session for reuse while processing the PSU request. It can also be used to display bank details to the PSU at selection.
Use Case Steps
Use cases for this API:
SelBnk-001 FinTechUI.selectBank
PSU selects a bank from the list of banks displayed by the FinTechUI
SelBnk-002 FinTechApi.loadBankProfile
FinTechUI sends a load loadBankProfile request to FinTechAPI passing the bankId
SelBnk-003 TppBankSearchApi.loadBankProfile
FinTechAPI sends a load loadBankProfile request to TppBankSearchApi passing the bankId
SelBnk-004 & 005 Return 200_BankProfile
TppBankSearchApi returns the BankProfine object matching the given bankId.
SelBnk-005 FinTechUI.displayBankProfile
The displayed bank profile also displays banking api services offered by the selected bank.