Tech setup
Spring Boot >= 2.2
Flowable BPMN 6.x
Drools rule engine (embedded with Flowable)
Postgres RDBMS 12.x
XS2A-flow for tests
Least annoying API:
TPP creates user profile (name, surname,...) that provides information necessary to perform requests on his behalf
TPP provides setting which mode will be used STATIC or DIALOG to perform user requests
In STATIC mode TPP must fulfill all fields that are not provided by profile but are necessary to perform action (except SCA)
TPP calls i.e. /pay/IBAN-from/IBAN-to/CURRENCY/amount with parameters from step nr. 3. The only extra stuff to complete the call is SCA
Initial implementation diagram
E2E flows
- Transaction list flow.
- Performing payment flow.
Generic request handling (Check consent is valid pre-filter)
Initially (for MVP0), questions Needs consent?
and Consent valid?
are answered using database-table that
contains bank profile, in future it can be switched to rule engine or entire BPMN job.
TPP can initiate consent with PSU under the hood if required.
This basically means that if request is missing consent, but has flag to allow automatic consent creation TPP will call obtaining consent flow.
Obtaining AIS Consent swimlane
Getting transaction list using AIS Consent swimlane
Full swimlane e2e for getting transaction list
Get transaction list by FinTech
**Notes:** 1. Initially PSU enters FinTech screen 'Transaction list' 1. Since consent is missing, when being asked for 'Transaction list' TPP will create implicit consent with PSU (since PSU is in session with FinTech) 1. After consent was established FinTech can store it and get 'Transaction list' without PSU intervention 1. If consent has expired FinTech should inform user and perform step 1 again Full swimlane e2e for performing payment
Perform payment by FinTech
OpenBankingGateway Api is defined for boundary (of course TPP itself can use it): FinTech with OpenBankingGw API <--> TPP with OpenBankingGw Impl (See diagrams above)
Consent API:
1. PUT /consents/{bankId} body: {accounts: [<accountIds>], allAccounts: true}
to create consent
Account information API:
1. GET /transactions
to read transactions with option to ask for consent automatically
1. GET /accounts
to read account details with option to ask for consent automatically
Payment API:
1. PUT /payments
to initiate payment
In short
With details
API sketch
PSU wants to pay 100EUR to IBAN 12345
Generic case
- Find PSU client bank id
GET /api/v1/banks?name=Deutsche
orGET /api/v1/banks?bic=12345
- View necessary parameters that are required from PSU for
to execute payment:GET /api/v1/payments/{bankId}/{psuId}/{ibanFrom}/{ibanTo}/parameters
- yields{"GEO_LOCATION": "This payment requires client geo-location"}
(Note: this also may yield i.e. SCA method if PSU did not select it in profile) - Since request can't automatically proceed, TPP reads required GEO_LOCATION from PSU
- Now TPP can proceed with payment
PUT /api/v1/payments/{bankId}/{psuId}/{ibanFrom}/{ibanTo} body: {"amount": 100.0, "currency": "EUR", "GEO_LOCATION": {"lat": 12, "lng": 10.0}}
(Note: This can have i.e. SCA method to use that overrides profile defaults) - OpenBanking handles request sequence using computed process