In package
fun init(context: , encryptionKeyAlias: String?, x500Principal: String?, useOnlyWithHardwareSupport: Boolean)
Initialize the library with desired options
Context is used internally
encryptionKeyAlias: String?
Alias for the encryption key/keypair (default value: SecureStorage2Key)
x500Principal: String?
Distinguished Name used for generating KeyPair for asymmetric en/decryption (default value: CN=SecureStorage2 , O=Adorsys GmbH & Co. KG., C=Germany)
useOnlyWithHardwareSupport: Boolean
If this parameter is true the library will only work on devices that have a TEE or SE otherwise it'ss throw an exception
fun initSecureStorageKeys(context: )
Initialize SecureStorage keys for library usage.
Context is used internally
fun deviceHasSecureHardwareSupport(context: ): Boolean
Checks if the device has secure hardware support (TEE or SE) for storing the Android Keystore keys
Context is used internally
fun isKeyInsideSecureHardware()
Checks if the keys are stored in secure hardware (TEE or SE)
- No parameters
fun putString(context: , key: String, value: String)
Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
value: String
Plain String value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage
fun putBoolean(context: , key: String, value: Boolean)
Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
value: Boolean
Plain boolean value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage
fun putFloat(context: , key: String, value: Float)
Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
value: Float
Plain float value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage
fun putLong(context: , key: String, value: Long)
Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
value: Long
Plain long value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage
fun putInt(context: , key: String, value: Int)
Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
value: Int
Plain int value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage
fun getString(context: , key: String, defaultValue: String): String
Gets encrypted String value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
defaultValue: String
Default String value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown
fun getBoolean(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean
Gets encrypted boolean value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
defaultValue: Boolean
Default boolean value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown
fun getFloat(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Float): Float
Gets encrypted float value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
defaultValue: Float
Default float value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown
fun getLong(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long
Gets encrypted long value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
defaultValue: Long
Default long value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown
fun getInt(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Int): Int
Gets encrypted int value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
defaultValue: Int
Default int value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown
fun contains(context: , key: String): Boolean
Checks if SecureStorage contains a value for the given key (Does not return the value or check what type it is)
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
fun remove(context: , key: String)
Removes the value for a given key from SecureStorage
Context is used internally
key: String
Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage
fun clearAllValues(context: )
Clears all values from the SecureStorage on the Android Device
Context is used internally
fun clearAllValuesAndDeleteKeys(context: )
Clears all values from the SecureStorage on the Android Device and deletes the en/decryption keys Means new keys/keypairs have to be generated for the library to be able to work
Context is used internally
fun registerOnSecureStorageChangeListener(context: , listener: )
Registers SecureStorageChangeListener to listen to any changes in SecureStorage
Context is used internally
Provided listener with given behaviour from the developer that will be registered
fun unregisterOnSecureStorageChangeListener(context: , listener: )
Unregisters SecureStorageChangeListener from SecureStorage
Context is used internally
Provided listener with given behaviour from the developer that will be unregistered