
In package



fun init(context: , encryptionKeyAlias: String?, x500Principal: String?, useOnlyWithHardwareSupport: Boolean)

Initialize the library with desired options

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • encryptionKeyAlias: String?

    Alias for the encryption key/keypair (default value: SecureStorage2Key)

  • x500Principal: String?

    Distinguished Name used for generating KeyPair for asymmetric en/decryption (default value: CN=SecureStorage2 , O=Adorsys GmbH & Co. KG., C=Germany)

  • useOnlyWithHardwareSupport: Boolean

    If this parameter is true the library will only work on devices that have a TEE or SE otherwise it'ss throw an exception

fun initSecureStorageKeys(context: )

Initialize SecureStorage keys for library usage.

  • context:

    Context is used internally

fun deviceHasSecureHardwareSupport(context: ): Boolean

Checks if the device has secure hardware support (TEE or SE) for storing the Android Keystore keys

  • context:

    Context is used internally

fun isKeyInsideSecureHardware()

Checks if the keys are stored in secure hardware (TEE or SE)

  • No parameters
fun putString(context: , key: String, value: String)

Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • value: String

    Plain String value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage

fun putBoolean(context: , key: String, value: Boolean)

Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • value: Boolean

    Plain boolean value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage

fun putFloat(context: , key: String, value: Float)

Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • value: Float

    Plain float value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage

fun putLong(context: , key: String, value: Long)

Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • value: Long

    Plain long value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage

fun putInt(context: , key: String, value: Int)

Takes plain string value, encrypts it and stores it encrypted in the SecureStorage on the Android Device

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • value: Int

    Plain int value that will be encrypted and stored in the SecureStorage

fun getString(context: , key: String, defaultValue: String): String

Gets encrypted String value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • defaultValue: String

    Default String value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown

fun getBoolean(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean

Gets encrypted boolean value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • defaultValue: Boolean

    Default boolean value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown

fun getFloat(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Float): Float

Gets encrypted float value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • defaultValue: Float

    Default float value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown

fun getLong(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long

Gets encrypted long value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • defaultValue: Long

    Default long value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown

fun getInt(context: , key: String, defaultValue: Int): Int

Gets encrypted int value for given key from the SecureStorage on the Android Device, decrypts it and returns it

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

  • defaultValue: Int

    Default int value that will be returned if the value with given key doesn't exist or an exception is thrown

fun contains(context: , key: String): Boolean

Checks if SecureStorage contains a value for the given key (Does not return the value or check what type it is)

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

fun remove(context: , key: String)

Removes the value for a given key from SecureStorage

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • key: String

    Key used to identify the stored value in SecureStorage

fun clearAllValues(context: )

Clears all values from the SecureStorage on the Android Device

  • context:

    Context is used internally

fun clearAllValuesAndDeleteKeys(context: )

Clears all values from the SecureStorage on the Android Device and deletes the en/decryption keys Means new keys/keypairs have to be generated for the library to be able to work

  • context:

    Context is used internally

fun registerOnSecureStorageChangeListener(context: , listener: )

Registers SecureStorageChangeListener to listen to any changes in SecureStorage

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • listener:

    Provided listener with given behaviour from the developer that will be registered

fun unregisterOnSecureStorageChangeListener(context: , listener: )

Unregisters SecureStorageChangeListener from SecureStorage

  • context:

    Context is used internally

  • listener:

    Provided listener with given behaviour from the developer that will be unregistered