1. Introduction and Goals

The main idea of the XS2A Adapter project is to have one unified interface for PSD2 directive which based on the Berlin Group Specification that covers the vast majority of banks that implemented the Berlin Group Specification on their own.

1.1. Requirements Overview

XS2A Adapter helps TPPs save time on connecting banks to their systems. XS2A Adapter suggests them to use one unified interface that fully compliant with Berlin Group Specification. All differences of implementation hidden inside a specified bank adapter.

Main features

  • Connect plenty of banks

  • Organize contributors community from the world

  • Simplify the connection process of the bank that compliant with the Berlin Group Specification

  • Support Account Information and Payment initiation services

1.2. Quality Goals

Table 1. Quality Goals
Nr. Quality Motivation



The API should be clear enough for new clients to use XS2A Adapter, from the other hand the architecture should be not too complicated for contributors.



The application should provide a unified API that allows access to all covered banks.



The architecture should allow easy testing of all main building blocks.

1.3. Stakeholders

Table 2. Stakeholders
Name Role Contact

Denys Golubiev

Software Architect PSD2


Francis Pouatcha

Software Architect PSD2, Sales


2. Architecture Constraints

The few constraints on this project are reflected in the final solution. This section shows them and if applicable, their motivation.

2.1. Technical Constraints

Table 3. List of Technical Constraints
Constraint Background and / or motivation

Software and programming constraints


Implementation in Java

The application should support Java 8



The application should have a possibility to be used as a library and a standalone application at the same time



Library should be available as jar file on the maven central and as a docker image on the dockerHub

2.2. Organizational Constraints

Table 4. List of Organizational Constraints
Constraint Background and / or motivation



Serhii Petrychenko, Snisarenko Artem, Oleksandr Berezkin


Time schedule

Release planned each month


IDE independent project setup

No need to continue the editor and IDE wars. The project must be compilable on the command line via standard build tools.


Configuration and version control

Public git repository with a complete commit history and a public master branch pushed to GitHub.



Use JUnit to prove functional correctness and integration tests and JaCoCo to ensure a high test coverage (at least 80%). Postman tests for covering end-to-end flows.


Published under an Open Source license

The source, including documentation, should be published as Open Source under the Apache 2 License.

2.3. Conventions

Table 5. List of Conventions
Conventions Background and / or motivation


Architecture documentation

Structure based on the english arc42-Template in version 7.0



English. The project targets an international audience, so English should be used throughout the whole project.

3. System Scope and Context

This chapter describes the environment and context of XS2A Adapter: Who uses the system and on which other system does XS2A Adapter depend.

3.1. Business Context

3.1. business context


A TPP wants to make AIS and PIS requests to different banks via XS2A Adapter.


XS2A Adapter transforms request from TPP to a specific ASPSP request and sends it then transforms the response from ASPSP to a unified XS2A Adapter API response.

3.2. Technical Context

3.2.1. technical context
3.2.2. technical context

4. Solution Strategy

  1. Implement XS2A Adapter in Java language with minimal external dependencies.

  2. We use Maven automation build tool, so it can be used within automated builds

  3. We have additional module that wraps XS2A Adapter into Spring Boot application and with the possibility to build a docker image

5. Building Block View

5.1. Whitebox XS2A Adapter Library

5.1. Whitebox XS2A Adapter library
Table 6. Contained Building Blocks
Building block Description


Payment initiation, account information, http client and validation interfaces


Basic implementation of payment initiation and account information, implementation of http client


Load payment initiation or account information service implementation for specific adapter


Registry of supported banks. Each record contains bank details and reference to the adapter


Collection of bank adapters supported by XS2A Adapter

5.1.1. Whitebox XS2A Adapter Standalone

5.1.1. Whitebox XS2A Adapter Standalone
Table 7. Contained Building Blocks
Building block Description


Payment initiation, account information, http client and validation interfaces


Basic implementation of payment initiation and account information, implementation of http client


Load payment initiation or account information service implementation for specific adapter


Registry of supported banks. Each record contains bank details and reference to the adapter


Collection of bank adapters supported by XS2A Adapter




Mappers between rest and service layers


Generated REST API from Berlin Group yml specification


Implementation of REST API

5.1.2. ASPSP Registry (Blackbox)

Intent/Responsibility: ASPSP Registry provides API for searching supported banks. The list of supported banks stored in the CSV file.

Table 8. Interfaces
Interface (From-To) Description

service-api → ASPSP search

Search ASPSP in the registry

Details are described in the Whitebox ASPSP Registry.

5.1.3. Service-loader (Blackbox)

Intent/Responsibility: Service-Loader looks up for specific service implementation of concrete bank adapter.

Table 9. Interfaces
Interface (From-To) Description

service-loader → bank adapters

Loads service implementations from supported bank adapters

rest-impl → service-loader

Uses service-loader classes

Details are described in the Service-loader Whitebox.

5.1.4. Bank adapters (Blackbox)

Intent/Responsibility: Contains PIS & AIS service implementations for supported banks

Table 10. Interfaces
Interface (From-To) Description

service-loader → bank adapters

Loads service implementations from supported bank adapters

bank adapters → banks

Makes HTTP requests to the banks

Details are described in the Bank adapters Whitebox.

5.2. Building Blocks - Level 2

5.2.1. Whitebox ASPSP Registry

5.2.1. Whitebox ASPSP Registry
Table 11. Contained Building Blocks
Building Block Description


Implementation of Search API. Contains methods for searching ASPSP by criteria


The list of ASPSPs from CSV file loads into Lucene to speed up the search procedure

5.2.2. Whitebox Service-loader

5.2.2. Whitebox Service-loader
Table 12. Contained Building Blocks
Building Block Description


Load implementation of AIS from requested ASPSP


Load implementation of PIS from requested ASPSP

5.2.3. Whitebox Bank Adapters

5.2.3. Whitebox Bank Adapters
Table 13. Contained Building Blocks
Building Block Description


AIS implementation of exact ASPSP


PIS implementation of exact ASPSP

HTTP client

Uses for sending requests to the ASPSP

5.3. Level 3

5.3.1. Account Information Service (AIS) Interface (Blackbox).

Intent/Responsibility: Performs request/response normalisation and calls a bank AIS endpoint.

Table 14. AIS Interface
Method Description


This method creates a consent resource, defining access rights to dedicated accounts of a given PSU-ID.


Returns the content of an account information consent object.


The TPP can delete an account information consent object if needed.


Reads the status of an account information consent resource.


Returns a list of all authorisation sub-resources IDs which have been created.


Creates an authorisation sub-resource and start the authorisation process of a consent. The message might in addition transmit authentication and authorisation related data.


This method updates PSU data on the consents resource if needed. It may authorise a consent within the Embedded SCA Approach where needed.


Reads the identifiers of the available payment account together with booking balance information, depending on the consent granted.


Reads details about an account, with balances where required.


Reads transaction reports or transaction lists of a given account addressed by "account-id", depending on the steering parameter "bookingStatus" together with balances.


Reads transaction details from a given transaction addressed by "transactionId" on a given account addressed by "account-id".


The same as getTransactionDetails but returns mere String object.


This method returns the SCA status of a consent initiation’s authorisation sub-resource.


Reads account data from a given account addressed by "account-id".


Reads a list of card accounts with additional information, e.g. balance information.


Reads details about a card account.


Reads balance data from a given card account addressed by "account-id".


Reads account data from a given card account addressed by "account-id".

5.3.2. Payment Initiation Service (PIS) Interface (Blackbox).

Intent/Responsibility: Performs request/response normalisation and calls a bank PIS endpoint.

Table 15. PIS Interface
Method Description


This method is used to initiate a payment at the ASPSP.


Returns the content of a payment object of a single payment initiation request.


Returns the content of a payment object of a periodic payment initiation request.


Returns the content of a payment object of an XML format periodic payment initiation request.


Returns the content of a payment object as a mere string.


This method returns the SCA status of a payment initiation’s authorisation sub-resource.


Check the transaction status of a payment initiation.


The same as getPaymentInitiationStatus but returns mere String object.


Read a list of all authorisation subresources IDs which have been created.


Create an authorisation sub-resource and start the authorisation process. The message might in addition transmit authentication and authorisation related data.


This methods updates PSU data on the authorisation resource if needed. It may authorise a payment within the Embedded SCA Approach where needed.

Non-XS2A Interfaces.

XS2A Adapter handles specific cases that are not specified or scarcely described in the PSD2 Berlin Group Specification.

OAuth2 Service.

Intent/Responsibility: This is API for supporting OAuth flow.

Table 16. OAuth2 Service Interface (with REST endpoints)
Method Description


GET /oauth2/authorization-request-uri

Retrieves an authorization URL from a bank IDP Server and supplies necessary parameters for completing PSU authorization.


POST /oauth2/token

Exchanges an authorization code for a bearer token.

Embedded Pre-Authorisation Service.

Intent/Responsibility: This is API for supporting embedded pre-authorisation flow.

This is a Crealogix specific solution which is used by DKB bank.

Table 17. Embedded Pre-Authorisation Service Interface (with REST endpoints)
Method Description


POST /v1/embedded-pre-auth/token

Exchanges user credentials for a bearer token.

XS2A Adapter Specific Interfaces.

For Adapter to address a request to a specific bank a bank adapter identifier is a must. To tackle the problem ASPSP Repository was introduced. It traverses through the Lucene Repository that persists all available bank (ASPSP) records.

ASPSP Read Only Repository Service.

Intent/Responsibility: Lookup for an appropriate adapter by incoming parameters.

Table 18. ASPSP Read Only Repository Interface (Library)
Method Description


Retrieves an ASPSP by provided ID.


Retrieves all ASPSPs by provided BIC.


Retrieves all ASPSPs by provided BLZ (Bank Code).


Retrieves all ASPSPs by provided Bank Name.


Retrieves all ASPSPs from the Repository.


Retrieves all ASPSPs by provided set of data (e.g. BIC and Bank Name).


Retrieves an ASPSP by provided IBAN.

The REST Client of the ASPSP Repository is also available, however its interface is simplified.

Table 19. ASPSP Repository REST Interface (Standalone)
Method Description

GET /v1/aspsp

Finds all ASPSPs by one of the next parameters BIC, BLZ (bank code), IBAN or Bank Name or by a set of listed parameters.

GET /v1/aspsp/{aspsp-id}

Finds an ASPSP by ID.

Additional details on the ASPSP Repository can be found here

6. Runtime View

6.1. Send request to ASPSP

TPP sends request to ASPSP via XS2A Adapter.

Sequence diagram: Interaction with Adapter


  1. TPP makes call to ASPSP Registry to get the ID of supported bank adapter

  2. ASPSP Registry returns the list of supported adapters. The result list is empty when searched bank is unsupported.

  3. TPP chooses and stores the ASPSP ID

  4. TPP makes call to a bank via XS2A Adapter with ASPSP ID in the request headers

  5. XS2A Core gets bank adapter details from ASPSP Registry

  6. ASPSP Registry returns bank adapter details

  7. XS2A Core sends initial TPP request to the specific bank adapter

  8. ASPSP Adapter converts request regarding bank needs

  9. ASPSP Adapter sends converted request to the bank

  10. ASPSP Adapter receives response from the bank

  11. ASPSP Adapter converts bank response to the XS2A Adapter model

  12. ASPSP Adapter sends converts response to XS2A Core

  13. XS2A Core replies with the converted response to TPP

6.2 SCA OAuth2 Approach

OAuth2 SCA

6.2.1 Integrated

Integrated OAuth based authentication process in AIS context

6.2.2 Pre-step

OAuth based pre-step authentication process in AIS context
OAuth based consent

6.2.4 Embedded Pre-step

Embedded Pre-step

7. Deployment View

7.1. XS2A Adapter as a library

XS2A Adapter deployment (as a library)
Table 20. Nodes description
Node/Artifact Description

maven central repository

Global public cloud repository. All XS2A Adapter libraries are uploaded there

xs2a-adapter deployment

Deployment environment

release action

GitHub Action deploys artifacts to maven central and documentation to github pages

bank adapters

Set of bank adapters that could be used by client

7.2. XS2A Adapter as a standalone application

XS2A Adapter deployment (as a standalone app)
Table 21. Nodes description
Node/Artifact Description

xs2a-adapter deployment

Container cluster management system

container registry

Container registry e.g. DokerHub, GitLab, etc

radapter user computer

User builds and publishes docker image to the registry

8. Cross-cutting Concepts.

8.1. XS2A Adapter Domain Model.

The main goal of the XS2A Adapter is to normalize a request/response to/from a bank to be compliant to the Berlin Group PSD2 specification.

8.1.1. XS2A Request/Response flow overview.

Request/response processing are mostly done in the specific adapter, but a request/response is passed through several layers until it reaches an adapter.

XS2A Adapter Activity
Table 22. XS2A Adapter Activity
Module Description


Third Party Payment Service Provider, a client of the XS2A Adapter.

Adapter REST Interface

Receives requests and sends responses from/to a client, delegates a request to the ASPSP Registry or to the Adapter Service Loader.

Adapter ASPSP Registry

Retrieves an ASPSP information from a Lucene repository by a provided input.

Adapter Service Loader

Loads an appropriate XS2A Adapter and delegates a request to it.


Collection of implemented bank adapters.

Adapter Service Implementation

Module with base service implementations to deal with a request.

X Adapter

A specific XS2A Adapter that performs the request/response normalization and calls an appropriate bank.


Account Servicing Payment Service Provider or simply the Bank

There is no main Request or Response models in XS2A Adapter. Almost each operation has its own request/response structure, these are models based on the Berlin Group specification. Full list and descriptions are available in the swagger file.

8.1.2. XS2A Adapter REST Interface.

XS2A Adapter REST Interface
Table 23. XS2A Adapter REST Interface
Class/Interface Description


Operations for creating. deleting, reading and authorising a consent.


Operations for retrieving account data, like balances, transactions, transaction details, etc.


Implements ConsentApi and AccountApi and delegates request processing to the Account Information Service.


Operations for constructing Authorizing URL and obtaining an Access Token.


Implements Oauth2Api and delegates a request to the OAuth2 Service.


Operations for the payment initiation, authorisation, and reading a payment information.


Operations for retrieving an ASPSP information.


Implements AspspSearchApi and delegates a request to the Aspsp Search Service.


Operation for retrieving an Access Token.


Implements EmbeddedPreAuthorisationApi and delegates a request to the Pre-Authorisation Service.

The full description of the XS2A Adapter REST API can be found on the Swagger page.

Berlin Group Specification provides comprehensive documentation on the PSD2 XS2A Interface.

8.1.3. XS2A Adapter ASPSP Registry.

Adapter ASPSP Registry is sufficiently described in Whitebox ASPSP Registry

8.1.4. XS2A Adapter Service Loader.

Adapter Service Loader responsibility is to provide an appropriate XS2A Adapter to deal with a request/response routine. The structure is the next:

XS2A Adapter Service Loader
Table 24. XS2A Adapter Service Loader
Class/Interface Description


The class resolves which particular adapter should be called.


The class calls Service Loader to get a particular adapter then passes the request to the specific Account Information service.


The class calls Service Loader to get a particular adapter then passes the request to the specific Payment Initiation service.


The interface determines operations for retrieving account information, consent creation, PSU authentication and authorisation. Based on PSD2 Berlin Group specification.


The interface determines operations for payment initiation, PSU authentication and authorisation. Based on PSD2 Berlin Group specification.

8.1.5. XS2A Adapter Service Implementation.

All base service implementations are located in the Adapter Service Implementation module:

XS2A Adapter Service Implementation
Table 25. XS2A Adapter Service Implementation
Class/Interface Description


The class provides the base request/response normalization for account information retrieval and calls a real bank.


The class encapsulates all request related data like body, headers, query parameters, etc.


The class provides the base request/response normalization for payment initiation and calls a real bank.


The abstract class encapsulates common for all service providers operations.


The interface determines operations for retrieving account information, consent creation, PSU authentication and authorisation. Based on PSD2 Berlin Group specification.


The interface determines operations for assembling request data.


Marker interface, encapsulates Builder interface.


Wrapper for a bank response. Contains a body, headers and HTTP status code.


The interface determines the operations for payment initiation, PSU authentication and authorisation. Based on PSD2 Berlin Group specification.


The interface determines operations for account information service provider.


The interface determines operations for payment initiation service provider.


The interface determines common operations for any service provider.

The full list of the AIS operations is put down here and PIS operations are here

8.1.6. X-Adapter.

Normalization of a request/response takes place in a particular X-Adapter:

Table 26. X Adapter
Class/Interface Description


Child of a AbstractAdapterServiceProvider with a specific bank implementations.


Child of a BaseAccountInformationService with a specific bank implementations.


Child of a BasePaymentInitiationService with a specific bank implementations.

8.2. Inheritance of the base services.

Creating an adapter is achieved via extending base services: AIS, PIS, OAuth2, etc.

A concrete adapter is merely simple as all main operations are performed in the base Account Information and Payment Initiation services. Also, not all adapters need to extend a base service to add a specific change, a bank can have a perfectly valid BG interface, so a base service is enough for connecting to an ASPSP.

AIS child tree
PIS child tree

However, all adapters must extend AbstractAdapterServiceProvider that implements AccountInformationServiceProvider and PaymentInitiationServiceProvider for proper Service Loader work.

Adapter Service Provider tree

There are additional constrains on an adapter which listed here.

8.3. Http Client and Request/Response Interceptor.

XS2A Adapter provides its own HTTP Client implementations: ApacheHttpClient, WiremockHttpClient.

XS2A Adapter HTTP Client
Table 27. XS2A Adapter HttpClient
Class/Interface Description


Interface provides the list of operations for a client.


Functional Interface for operation of handling a bank response.


Abstract class provides base implementation or Get, Post, Put, and Delete operations.


Main implementation of the HttpClient that uses the Apache Components solution.


A client on top of the ApacheHttpClient, that palms off a recorded bank response instead of communicating to a real bank.

More details on WireMock will come below.

To be able to modify a specific aspect of a request an Interceptor interface was introduced. With an interceptor a client can pre- or post-handle a call to a bank.

XS2A Adapter Interceptor
Table 28. XS2A Adapter Interceptor
Class/Interface Description


Interface provides the list of operations with default postHandle() implementation.


Signs a request to banks that use the Adorsys solutions.


Adds a specified OAuth header to a request to banks that uses the Adorsys solutions.


Clears PSU-ID header if it contains mere quotes ("") for Consors.


Normalize PSU-ID header if necessary for a specific Deutsche Bank branches.


Adds a defined value of PSU-ID-Type header based on a specific Deutsche Bank branch.


Removes a PSU-ID-Type header if it contains an empty value for banks that use Verlag solutions.


Signs a request to ING


Base singing request interceptor.


Detects differences between a performed request and recorded wiremock stubs.

8.4. WireMock.

For convenient testing of a client solution XS2A Adapter introduced a WireMock mode. In this configuration the adapter itself doesn’t communicate with a real bank but returns a request/response record (also called a stub).

XS2A Flow in WireMock mode
Figure 1. XS2A Flow in WireMock mode

A comprehensive description about XS2A Adapter WireMock mode can be found here.

8.5. XS2A Adapter Exceptions.

XS2A Adapter developed its own set of exceptions that can occur in specific situations. All of them are subtypes of RuntimeException.

XS2A Adapter Exceptions
Figure 2. XS2A Adapter Exceptions
Table 29. XS2A Adapter Exceptions
Exception Description HTTP Status


Will occur if obtaining an access token failed. Used in specific OAuth approaches like DKB Embedded Pre-Step.



Thrown if XS2A Adapter Service Loader failed to find an adapter.



Thrown if ASPSP registry services failed to complete an operation.



Thrown if no adapter found in the Registry by provided parameters (IBAN, BIC, Bank Code, etc.)



Thrown if malformed request received, used in specific cases like missing scope for OAuth or wrong body of PSU Update Data operations.



Common wrapper for a bank exception, most bank errors are folded into this class.



Thrown if XS2A Adapter failed to sign a request.



Thrown if ASPSP Registry failed to process an IBAN.



Thrown if JSON Response Handler received not a JSON formatted data.



Thrown if bank returned 401 or 403 for consent creation operation. This exception is specific for Sparda and Adorsys adapters.



Thrown if PsuPasswordEncryptionService failed to complete an operation.



Thrown if a request failed a validation.



A subtype of RequestValidationException, thrown if AUTHORIZATION header is missing.



Thrown if SSL Handshake Error occurred while establishing connection with a bank server.



General exception, thrown if no other suitable exception exists.


* HTTP Status depends on the status from the bank response

8.6. XS2A Adapter configuration properties.

XS2A Adapter expects to have adapter.config.properties with configuration key-value pairs for some adapters.

Those properties are parsed by AdapterConfig service, which uses java.util.Properties under the hood.

XS2A Adapter configuration
Figure 3. AdapterConfig

AdapterConfig interface provides reading properties operations and loading a new properties file, mostly for test purposes.

Additional details on the XS2A Adapter properties are here.

8.7. XS2A Adapter Pkcs12KeyStore.

In order to interact with the Banks' XS2A Interfaces, a user will need to have an eIDAS certificate. XS2A Adapter expects a user to supply a valid PKCS #12 Key Store file (.p12) with a certificate as a JVM parameter (standalone) or as a parameter in the Pkcs12KeyStore constructor (library).

Description of the KeyStore and how to create it is already put down in here

8.8. XS2A Adapter Request Signing.

XS2A Adapter can sign the request for a user, if an adapter applied RequestSigningInterceptor and has a QSEAL certificate in a key store. In some specific cases (like ING) an adapter will have its own signing service.

XS2A Adapter Request Signing Infrastructure
Figure 4. XS2A Adapter Signing Infrastructure
Table 30. XS2A Adapter Interceptor
Class/Interface Description


Interface provides the list of operations with default postHandle() implementation.


Adds signing data to the headers and delegates signing to the service.


Provides Digest, Signature and TPP Signature Certificate values.


Model for a Digest header.


Calculates digest.


Model for a Signature header.


Calculates signature.

9. Design Decisions.

9.1. WireMock.


It can be nice to have an opportunity for testing an XS2A Adapter user solution without an actual interaction with a bank sandbox or production environment.


WireMock is a simulator for HTTP-based APIs for stubbing and mocking web services.

9.2. Apache HTTP Client.


XS2A Adapter must communicate with a bank via HTTP protocols, thus an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich HTTP client with the most recent protocol standards and recommendations is needed.


Apache HTTP Client is a robust, versatile java based library for building HTTP-aware client applications.

9.3. Mapstruct.


XS2A Adapter sometimes must work with bank models that are not BG compliant, thereby a mapping to an appropriate analogue should be performed, which is onerous and error-prone if implemented manually.


Mapstruct is a code generator that greatly simplifies the implementation of mappings between java bean types based on convention over configuration approach.

9.4. Javatar-commons.


Some XS2A models are big and complex and cumbersome to build programmatically for testing purposes. Would be nice to drop model creating from the test and be able to deserialize it from JSON or YAML representation.


javatar-commons - a convenient set of JSON and YAML reading and deserialization utils.

9.5. Bouncy Castle.


XS2A Adapter must load a specific certificate for password encryption for Deutsche Bank, need a tool for obtaining a bank certificate.


Bouncy Castle is a collection of APIs used in cryptography, including deserializing a certificate from an input stream.

9.6. Nimbus-jose-jwt.


In Deutsche Bank case, PSU password should be encrypted based on JWE RFC7516 specification.


nimbus-jose-jwt is a popular and robust Java and Android library for JSON Web Token (JWT), standard signature (JWS), amd encryption (JWE).

9.7. Webjars-locator.


It would be nice to have a possibility for avoiding onerous supporting of webjars resource versioning for Swagger-UI.


webjars-locator - a library to automatically resolve the version of any Webjar assets.

9.8. Postman.


Provide a convenient way of testing XS2A Adapter REST interface. Also, it should be a CLI for testing the API in a pipeline.


Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. XS2A Adapter provides a ready to use postman collections for testing API locally.

9.9. Sonar.


Nice to have a system for monitoring code quality, decrease bug appearance and avoid code smells.


Sonar - open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities.

9.10. Swagger-UI.


XS2A Adapter REST API should be represented visually (online) in an accessible and understandable way, following OpenAPI specification, based on available JSON file.


Swagger-UI Swagger UI allows anyone to visualize and interact with the API’s resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.

10. Quality Requirements.

10.1. Quality Tree.

XS2A Adapter Activity

10.2. Quality Scenarios.

Understandability / Clear for users.

XS2A Adapter should be easy and low cost to deploy, set up, and launch in a user environment.

Understandability / Clear for contributors.

A potential contributor should be provided with necessary documentation and manuals for extending, improving an old adapter, or creating a new one.

Interoperability / Open and completely understood interface.

XS2A Adapter API must be open to the public, clear in details and low time and cost for utilizing as a library or a standalone application.

Testability / Coverage

XS2A Adapter test coverage should be above 80%.

Testability / Independent from a bank accessibility.

XS2A Adapter should provide a clear way to be tested (e.g. integration or system tests) as a part of a user solution without actual communication with a bank, which can be achieved via using WireMock mode.

Error transparent / Exceptions from ASPSPs must be passed

Original errors and exceptions from an ASPSP should be passed to an end-user (TPP) or at least logged for later tackling.

Validations clear / Adapter validation remarks should be clear

XS2A Adapter Validation Error must contain enough description for a user to determine and fix a cause.

Data mask / Sensitive information must be concealed

Data that can be considered as a user sensitive must be masked via HttpLogSanitizer.

11. Risks and Technical Debts.

Changes in bank APIs.

Unfortunately, there is no way to follow after bank API updates automatically to be up to the latest interface versions. Some banks do email notifications though, but it’s still required a manual checking.

Undocumented bugs.

Some bank XS2A implementations contain bugs (e.g. Unicredit mandatory Creditor Address field for payment initiation). All caught bugs are addressed to banks for fixing, that takes time for implementing from an ASPSP side, meanwhile XS2A Adapter amends the behavior if possible. We cannot guarantee that all glitches are covered but do everything possible to keep track of those and implement intermediate fixes.

Specific behavior.

Some banks have specific requirements that are not contradicting the BG specification but also not intuitive (Deutsche Bank predefined mandatory PSU-ID-Type values). XS2A Adapter covers some of those edge cases but not all. For example, a user will want to explicitly request a list of transactions in XML from Sparkasse and Fiducia banks as they are supporting responses in that format only.

Deviation behavior of production environment.

XS2A Adapter is tested against bank sandboxes. Those are expected to resemble a production environment and in most cases they are. However, there are some cases where behavior is not matching. As usual XS2A Adapter covers such specific instances as those are encountered (e.g. Verlag banks in the sandbox anticipate Access header to be plain/text only, in production - they accept only application/json). There is a possibility that not all mismatches are covered and documented.

Updating BG specification.

Berlin Group specification is evolving with time, even though the API is mostly constant, models can be volatile. XS2A Adapter tends to be inline with the latest specification version and migrating to a newer Adapter release can potentially break a user implementation. It’s advised checking Adapter release notes and Swagger before migrating.

Maintenance activities.

Banks sometimes perform maintenance activities on their side, XS2A Adapter is not designed to cover such edge cases, neither keep track of them, and will just pass a 5xx error from the ASPSP side. Some banks inform their users about maintenance works by email.

12. Glossary

Table 31. Glossary
Term Definition


Access to Account, a name of an interface, defined by Berlin Group to comply banks to the requirements of PSD2.


Payment Service Directive 2, a European law for payments services.


Third Party Payment Service Provider, a system that acts on behalf of PSU on its data hold by ASPSP.


Account Servicing Payment Service Provider, a banking system that holds account data of PSU and performs corresponding operations over it.


Account Information Service is an online service which provides consolidated information on payment accounts held by a payment service user with payment service providers.


Payment Initiation Service is an online service which accesses a user’s payment account to initiate the transfer of funds on their behalf with the user’s consent and authentication.


Strong Customer Authentication is a requirement of the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), which aims to add extra layers of security to electronic payments.


Open Authorization is an open standard for authorization. OAuth provides client applications a 'secure delegated access' to server resources on behalf of a resource owner.


Application Programming Interface is a set of programming code that enables data transmission between one software product and another.


Integrated Development Environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.


Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style for providing standards between computer systems on the web, making it easier for systems to communicate with each other.


HyperText Transfer Protocol is the communications protocol used to connect to Web servers on the Internet or on a local network (intranet). HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is the encrypted version of HTTP.


Comma-Separated Values file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.


Uniform Resource Locator, colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it.


Yet Another Markup Language is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.

IDP Server

Identity Provider Server is a system entity that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for principals and also provides authentication services to relying applications within a federation or distributed network.


Payment Service User means a natural or legal person, including the Client, making use of Payment Services in the capacity of either Payer or Payee, or both.


Bank Identifier Code is the same as the bank’s SWIFT address.

BLZ or Bank Code

Bankleitzahl (DE) or Bank Code is a code assigned by a central bank, a bank supervisory body, or a Bankers Association in a country to all its licensed member banks or financial institutions.

Bank Name

ASPSP or a bank legal name.


International Bank Account Number is an internationally agreed system of identifying bank accounts across national borders to facilitate the communication and processing of cross border transactions with a reduced risk of transcription errors.


Stands for Berlin Group.


Qualified Electronic Seal Certificate is a qualified digital certificate under the trust services defined in the eIDAS Regulation.